Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The best navigation tool.

Altimeter, GPS, compass, digital compass, map, pace-counting beads, cell phone apps, map measuring tool, UTM ruler, etc.  The list is long for devices that can potentially help you with your orientation, navigation and routefinding.  However, the best navigation tool is right between your ears - that's right, your brain!  Just consider what would happen if you were to get separated from your backpack or otherwise damaged your navigation tools (bug repellant and water have been the culprit many times).  In short you would be fine but only if you keep calm and concentrate on what you know.  The sun, moon, stars, water and vegetation can all help you navigate without the use of a map, compass or other conventional tools.  Check out your Scout Handbook to find out more about how to use these, and other, methods of navigation.  If you study different ways to navigate, with and without tools, you will become more confident when faced with changing conditions, locations and resources.